Commercial building Pottel & Broskowski
Commercial building Pottel & Broskowski, 1937
Commercial building Pottel & Broskowski
Menu card, 1930s

Commercial building Pottel & Broskowski

Leipziger Straße 85a
Bruno Föhre
Lewin Department Store was not the only building on Halle’s market square to be designed by architect Bruno Föhre. Föhre also came up with a radical redesign of the Broskowski office building on the corner of Leipziger Straße and Waisenhausring—a typical example of functional Modernist architecture. As an exponent of ‘New Building’, Föhre achieved a harmonious interplay of new and old, between the Broskowski building and the Leipzig Tower. The five-storey flat-roofed stucco building housed a wine merchant’s, delicatessen and restaurant. The curved design, accentuating the building’s corner position, is typical of metropolitan commercial architecture of the 1920s. Above the ashlar-faced ground floor and fascia, the bands of windows grow smaller as you go up the building. Föhre’s moderately Modernist architecture blends brilliantly with the surrounding Wilhelminian buildings.